Ministry is for all God's people. It's how we respond to God's love by serving the needs of others.
Worship is honoring God in all we do! In our Sunday worship, we enter God's presence with praise, listen to God's Word, and respond to God's grace in Jesus Christ.
Serving Opportunities
We offer opportunities for all people to express their God-given gifts in hands-on service in our church, our community, and beyond.
Small Groups
Small groups provide the ideal setting for adults to develop relationships, care for one another, discuss the Bible and faith issues, reach out to new people, and serve the needs of others. Find your place in a small group!
Children & Youth
Children and youth, from preschool through graduation, are partners in all areas of Christian faith and life, with opportunties for growing, serving, worshiping, connecting, and sharing their faith with others.
Musical opportunities include our senior choir, praise team, children's choir, organists, accompanists, and soloists, as well as all of joining our voices together in hymns and songs of thanksgiving, praise, prayer, and commitment.
We support a variety of mission efforts in our community, our nation, and world-wide. We look especially for missions which are centered in Christ, address both physical and spiritual needs, and with whom we can partner in some way beyond sending money.