This is our regular weekly schedule. For special events, see the column of UPCOMING EVENTS.
9:00 AM -- Worship
10:00 AM -- Coffee Fellowship
10:15 AM -- Education Hour
2nd Wednesday
6:30 PM -- Senior Choir
in worship center
9:00 AM -- Quilters meet in Fellowship Hall
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!!!!! Jennifer Hansmann for many years has volunteered in organizing and collating the weekly bulletin and the monthly Beacon. She would like to have a muchdeserved break, although she will continue as the financial secretary. If you’re looking for a rewarding way to pitch in, pray about volunteering your time and using your skills for only a few hours out of your week to help the church. The task can be done by one person, but maybe 2 or 3 volunteers want to take on this task together. If you are interested, please contact a council member or just talk to Jennifer. Thanks, Bethel Lutheran Church Council paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.
Ladies Bible Study Ordinary Men- Why did Jesus pick a tax collector or fishermen to be his disciples? They were just common, ordinary men. Come relate to their fears, doubts and hopes as we learn how the power of Jesus worked in them and how it can work in you. Sign-up sheet will be available after church in January or call the office for Tuesday morning Bible study starting January 28th. Book orders are due by January 15th.
AUTOMATE THE IMPORTANT: Bethel Lutheran is pleased to announce to introduce the electronic option for making regular offerings. Contributions can now be debited automatically from your checking or savings account. This will help you with convenience, and help the congregation with consistency. An authorization form is available on our website or from the church office.
World Hunger Sunday is designated as the first Sunday of each month. All quarters and any checks marked "Word Hunger" will go toward World Hunger through the Benevolence fund.
Noisy Nickel Sunday is designated as the third Sunday of each month. A secon offerings is taken that Sunday; this offering goes toward Thanksgiving dinners and Christmas projects for families in need in our communities, projects such as Relay for Like, and projects that the Social Concerns Team become aware of.